I'm incredibly excited about teaching in September and I've been a busy little bee sorting out my blank canvas of a classroom te get it all ready! I want my classroom to be vibrant, engaging and exciting and a place to celebrate the children's successes so I've got my creative side out and tried to inject some colour and fun into the displays...
The literacy display features a tree and an owl. It's an interactive display and the "wow" words that children come up with can be written onto speech bubbles and added to the display as a word bank for their writing.
The "wow" words owl is yet to be named - any ideas are welcomed!
This is my class behaviour management reward chart...
Each day children can earn a cupcake to put onto the cake stand...
And when they reach the top they are treated to a whole class reward! :D
I've set up a "Superstars" wall where the exceptional work that the children do can be displayed and their successed celebrated for the week.
The first science topic will be light and shadow... and I've planned in for the children to create shadow puppets.
We're going to be looking at the book "Gorilla" by Anthony Browne, which will lead onto our topic on endangered animals.
Maths vocabulary display.
Of course I had to get some polka dot bunting in there somewhere too! So I've draped my whiteboard with it :D
Oh I wish my classroom had been as exciting in my school! You had to get polka dots in somewhere! :)
This is fantastic, the children will love it :)
Maria xxx
You are too cute!
Lucky kids! You're going to be an amazing teacher!
Abbie your classroom looks AMAZING! I would love you to be MY teacher! Congratulations on all your success xxx
Wow what a beautiful classroom! I particularly like the cupcake tiers! I would have loved that! x
Thanks guys!! Too kind! I just can't wait to get cracking now :)
Oh, it looks amazing! Lucky kids :) I think the owl looks like an Oswald, btw.
I Love the ideas... hope the boys are equally engaged by cupcakes and polka dots.
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