Saturday, 3 July 2010

Kokonuts for Italian Ice cream!

As many of my fellow tweeters, bloggers and facebook friends may know, I have just returned from a holiday travelling around Italy. We spent a weekend In Falerone, near Fermo, on the East coast of central Italy, where we visited friends. Any trip to Italy cannot be complete without the tasting of proper Italian ice cream... and so our Italian freinds took us to the most amazing Gelateria (or Ice cream bar) in their nearby town of Fermo...
If you are ever in that neck of the woods you simply MUST got there. It is called Kokonuts and the ice cream really was quite special. Our lovely Italian friends told us it is quite famous in the area, and people go there up until 2am for ice cream, a concept that was quite strange to us, in England, people are either asleep or out partying at that time!
The decor was brilliant, the whole place had a really modern feel and the atmosphere was great. People came to Kokonuts in groups as a place to socialise and enjoy the ice cream. They also have either live music or karaoke every Thursday in June.

Let's get down to business... the ice cream! There was a huge array of flavours to choose from, and were available as a simple as an ice cream cone, or as complicated as a huge ice cream sundae, with intricately cut fruit "flowers" as edible decoration. I chose a frozen yoghurt ice cream, served in a white chocolate basket with wafers, fresh strawberries, chocolate sauce, biscuit bits and whipped cream... It was epic!





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