Some of you may have noticed a distinct lack of posts from my blog of late... I've started my NQT year, we've had a visitation from Ofsted, I've moved house and renovated and decorated it, so it has been slightly action-packed in the All About Abbie household! As a bit of a treat to myself for getting through the past few weeks in one piece (just about!) I decided I would treat myself to something a) pretty, and - most imporantly - b) polka dot! So I have been scouring the web for some delightful dotty dresses to share with you all! Enjoy!
Polka Dot Sailor Dress - H! By Henry Holland at Debenhams
I think this is my favourite of the dresses I have discovered... and it's in the sale too! Bonus!
I promise to blog again at some point in the next few weeks. Hope everyone is good and is continuing to inject polka dots into their lives! What is the best polka dotty item you've bought recently? Send me a tweet or email and I'll feature it in my next post!
Ooh good luck with Ofsted! And with renovating and decorating! Dont decorate in a lovely spotty dress tho... if you're anything like me you'll ruin it! xx
Belle du Brighton
I've missed you, and I LOVE these dresses.
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