Friday, 5 November 2010

Etsy - The Cupcake Social - Baking with Polka Dots!

On one of my many scourings of Etsy, I came across this delightful cupcake based shop: The Cupcake Social. There isn't much for me to say other than, it makes me smile... all those polka dots, all those pretty things... all those cakes! There were so many things that I loved and wanted in their shop that the only way I could put them all into this blog post (without it being a mile long!) was to give you lots of little pics... ENJOY!

Cake Cases!

Cake Toppers


Cookie Cutters!


  1. *rapidly adds shop to favourites*

  2. It's brilliant isn't it! I couldn't wait to hit that "favourites" button either!

  3. leopard print candles. And it's my birthday next weekend! HOw appropriate. And everything else is adorable too x

  4. So many fun cupcake decorations! It's amazing all the cool things you can do to spruce up your sweets.


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